Friday, August 27, 2010

from reality to fantasy

Well, one things for sure... participating in the "bloghop" has certainly caused me to
set aside my fears of trying to figure out Photoshop,
and just jump right in there and play!
It is evident that I don't have the knowledge to put forth
great photos using Photoshop, but....
I guess it's all a learning process!

so without further apologetic ramblings, here's my BEFORE shot:

I love that little worm hanging by a silken thread that we really can't see...

and here is my 'after shot':

all cropped!

and totally different!

But I still love that little worm hanging around and now,

I can see the thread by which it is hanging by!

In my attempts to edit my photo, I found 'hue and saturation'!

and so many other things!

It kinda came out looking all 'fantasy-like' which is ok by me!

OH! there's so much to learn!

Be sure to visit to see all the before/after photos!

Thursday, August 19, 2010 in nature!

In camera shot:

and edited:

Maybe I don't know what the heck I'm doing, but...
from an instinctual sensibility,

I love the edited photo! feels so JOYFUL

all lightened and softened up!

I used my Nikon d40 camera

and sent the photo to "PICNIK" for editing...

I played around with the contrast

and with the exposure...

with the 'softening focus'...

....and then, just a smidgen of cropping!

If you want to join in the fun of "Bloghop",

and submit your own 'before/after' photo!

... and one last bit of playing around:

Friday, August 13, 2010

little treasure hunter

In camera...

and edited.
I used a Nikon D40 camera.

So glad I happened upon the "bloghop" over at 'pixel perfect'

I edited the photo at Picnik... I cropped the picture and worked on the exposure and saturation and color... (I'm so new at this, so I feel like I accomplished something) and I kinda really am pleased with the result!!!

However, please feel free to leave comments and critiques... I welcome them!!!

... and thanks for visiting!!!!
It was late and the skies were all hazy due to forest fires in the north... this photo depicts how the conditions
were when I snapped the picture of the little treasure hunter... it was such a spur-of-the-moment shot, and I didn't want to miss it, so I didn't mess with my camera... I just 'saw a picture' and wanted to capture it!